Hi, Hi, Hi, I'm Azimbek.

Trainee Front-end Developer

About Me

I have basic layout skills, there is the concept of front-end development.

At the moment I have a main job, but I would like to do something else. In my spare time,
I spend my free time studying front-end development. I want to learn something new and use these skills in the future.

Of course, I would like to study English in parallel, since in the future knowledge of the language will be very useful to me.

But at the moment I speak three languages, Uzbek Russian and Kazakh.


  • JavaScript basics
  • VUE3
  • VS code

Code Example

Usually when you buy something, you’re asked whether your credit card number, phone
number or answer to your most secret question is still correct. However, since someone could look over your shoulder, you don’t want that shown on your screen. Instead, we mask it.
Your task is to write a function maskify, which changes all but the last four characters into ‘#’.

function maskify(cc) {
    let result = cc.split('')
        for(let i = 0; i < result.length; i++){
            if(i < result.length - 4){
                result[i] = '#';
        return result.join('')}





  • Russian: Native
  • Uzbek: Fluent
  • Kazakh: Fluent
  • English: Pre-Intermediate